All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Can you say blizzard...with all the snow and no where to go (thank goodness) we decided to hunker down at home and do some fun crafts.....The boys and I made paper snowflakes! Ok so let's play a snowflake version of ISpy. Can you find the BYU snowflake, the U snowflake? What about an angel, a manger, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a gingerbread man, a Christmas ribbon, an ornament, a Christmas light?? We had so much fun and it was a great craft for a snowy day. The boys hung their favorites in their cute. Now we (really just me) are out to shovel the walks *UGGGGG* my least favorite part of winter, but maybe we will still have some energy to build a snowman :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today really was a "hunker down" kind of day! November was so quiet, so we were ready for all this snow!