All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney
Friday, November 21, 2008
Amazing!! Yes, it happened at 12 midnight..I saw Twilight!! I still have was amazing...if it wasn't sold out I would have stayed for the next showing, seriously. I will make this short and sweet so I don't give anything away but if you have read the book you know what happens but it is amaing to see it on the silver is purly magical!! Robert Pattinson was incredible as Edward Cullen. I was a bit apprehensive when he was cast but now I can see no one else playing that role....he WAS Edward. Kristen Stewart was a wonderful Bella Swan and the chemisty between them was intense and captivating. They did a great job following Stephenie Meyers masterpiece and I was pleasently surprised to see her cameo. Yes once again when the Cullen clan made their first apperance in the movie I screamed but atleast this time I wasn't the only one and it happened several more times throughtout the movie *LOL* I will be going to see it again as soon as I can find tickets and I am now looking forward to New Moon and yes Summit has confirmed that they have started filming...anyone want to go???
I have to admit that your post kind of made me want to see it! Whoa. Next thing you know I'll be borrowing the rest of the books, since I only made it through the first one before I poo pooed the whole series.
I have to admit that your post kind of made me want to see it! Whoa. Next thing you know I'll be borrowing the rest of the books, since I only made it through the first one before I poo pooed the whole series.
Thanks for the invite I had so much fun with all of you!
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